Car Rental in dubai 

Elevate your journey with Twelve Car Rental, Dubai's newest premier car rental service. Whether you crave the nimble elegance of a city car, the thrilling performance of a sports car, or the opulent comfort of a luxury vehicle, we have the perfect ride for every occasion.

No Extra Hidden Fees

Multilingual Customer Service


Information You Can Trust

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Find the perfect
rental car for your trip

Reserve your dream car today

and embark on a journey of automotive excellence with Twelve Car Rental.

Drive with distinction, drive with Twelve.

Reserve your dream car today

and embark on a journey of automotive excellence with Twelve Car Rental.

Drive with distinction, drive with Twelve.

Car rental and much more


provides more than just 

a traditional car rental

Find the perfect rental car
We compare car rental prices, you save!

The Rental Conditions


Driver must be over 21 years old to drive normal cars & 23 for sport cars


Driver must have a valid driving licence. We accept all local driving licences of all countries.


A passport is required for Tourists.


Driver must be over 21 years old to drive normal cars & 23 for sport cars

Reserve your dream car today

Ignite your passion for speed and adrenaline with our selection of high-performance sports cars. Feel the raw power beneath the hood as you cruise through Dubai’s scenic routes, turning heads and making every drive a thrilling adventure.